Trost-Chicago-LacrosseBranding is your company’s way to show how you define and differentiate yourself from the competition. It’s what you think of when you see a logo, it’s how the mention of a company name makes you feel, and it’s the identity of your company.  Companies spend millions of dollars creating and developing their brand and branding strategy to cultivate your impression of them.  Small businesses don’t have the luxury of huge market budgets to create and tell their brand story, so they have to be smarter when presenting their brand.  If they want to be the best, they have to look the best and create marketing materials that communicate why you should choose them over the competition.

When you host the premier high school lacrosse players across the country and you want your event to look professional, you need strategically branded marketing materials to show your participants that your event is the premier event in the country.  That’s why the Chicago Lacrosse Cup chose Trost Marketing to help them take their brand to the next level.  With the help of Trost’s design team, they were able to create branded event items for their upcoming 2017 tournament to professionally showcase their brand and tournament.

“Thanks to the team at Trost Marketing, I know that my brand and tournament will look better than ever! I am excited to create more for future tournaments as we continue to grow and attract the best players and teams from across the country”
-Chicago Lacrosse Cup

When marketing, make sure that your brand is professionally presented every time.  Everything that you put out to potential customers is shaping their impression of your brand.  From the direct mail, you send out to the signage in your store.  Your customers are watching.  What kind of message are you presenting?

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